AnimA The Game

Posts written by NightBladeJay

  1. .
    QUOTE (Thiago Nunes @ 10/7/2023, 05:53) 
    I'm tryng so f% hard to find my friend in this dungeon finder its hard to belive a game that is on the 4 season dont have a friendlist.

    Try useing a vpn with them yer they need add friends list big time
  2. .
    It's just for your offline I'm afraid you will have buy again for online
  3. .
    That's not the last boss once you kill him go back to town there should be a new npc
  4. .
    There is no way to do this ios and android saves data different places
  5. .
    Here you go on the left
  6. .
    On the left you can do dungeon finder but you need to complete each difficulty to unlock higher lvls if you don't have this that's because you are playing offline
  7. .
    It's very strange I have been playing game for years and have not had any bugs like this 😐 hopefully they fix this soon or they going lose lot players
  8. .
    The wayvto upgrade items have chaged here you go
  9. .
    Dam that sucks sorry to hear that
  10. .
    Hmmmm seems lot people haveing this problem if you play online try unstall game that mite help
  11. .
    You can not do that you will have to buy again as they are different stores

    And if I was you I would delete my email off this post
  12. .
    Please devs up the spawn rate off event boss sum people have refreshed map 2k times a no spawn check your codeing check the forms for suggestions off stuff to add to game and talk more to the players this game could be soooo big if you could work on theys things
  13. .
  14. . come join here lot off people who can help out forms pretty dead :P
  15. .
    Yes you will do more damge as I'm a mage I got my attack speed max and I shot multi missile so fast so more damge . For more help come join discord sever we are a very big sever with lots of guides and helpfull people
74 replies since 21/1/2020