Posts written by salvation comes in the end

view post Posted: 23/5/2017, 13:18 Frammenti - OFF TOPIC
Ciao a tutti, come molti di voi sapranno sono moderatore del forum da diversi anni ma, sopratutto, sono invischiato fin dall'adolescenza nella scena hardcore punk (ecc) trentina e italiana, da qualche tempo ho aperto con un altro criminale, diventato ora mio socio, un laboratorio artigianale di serigrafia chiamato FRAMMENTI, sapendo bene quante band italiane bazzichino qui dentro e conoscendo bene la necessità di stampare maglie, borse, copertine di dischi ecc sarei ben felice di offrire tutti i miei servizi agli utenti del forum! ;)

Quindi fatevi avanti, Frammenti vi aspetta!!!

potete trovarci qui, qui e qui:

[email protected]

view post Posted: 4/3/2017, 14:32 Steve Von Till - Side Projects
se non ricordo male, prima dell'uscita di "a life unto itself", aveva affermato sta cosa
view post Posted: 4/3/2017, 12:05 Steve Von Till - Side Projects
ma il progetto harvestman non era confluito nel suo progetto solista "classico"? ha cambiato idea?
view post Posted: 10/9/2016, 11:42 Neurosis - Fires Within Fires (2016) - NEUROSIS
io ho preordinato il vinile ieri, per mia fortuna era tornata in stock la versione "semplice" con disco colorato a 19,99$, preordinata al volo!
view post Posted: 12/8/2016, 15:50 Neurosis Live - Neurosis Live
d'accordo sui suoni, non il massimo ma potevano starci, peccato un po per i volumi, devo riuscire a vederli al chiuso prima o poi! ad ogni modo mi reputo soddisfatto anche se speravo in una the tide o the doorway, ma vabbè, buono così comunque
view post Posted: 12/8/2016, 10:02 Neurosis Live - Neurosis Live
qualcuno ha la scaletta di ieri sera?
view post Posted: 28/4/2016, 16:25 Mirrors For Psychic Warfare - Side Projects
io ho sentito solo un pezzo e mi sembra molto interessante
view post Posted: 8/4/2016, 13:55 Cult Of Luna - Cult Of Luna
CITAZIONE (jolly the itinerant @ 8/4/2016, 12:14) 
Ma che P.O.D ?!?!? Disco di una profondità e bellezza stratosferica! riascoltatevelo bene senza preconcetti và!!!
Passo e Chiudo!!

ma preconcetti cosa, è semplicemente un parere

PS: anche a voi l'ultima traccia (la 5) lascia un po perplessi e dura solo 18 secondi? oppure ho una versione con qualcosa di mancante io?
PPS: ho risolto da solo, si avevo un pezzo "monco", recuperato quello integro

Edited by salvation comes in the end - 8/4/2016, 19:09
view post Posted: 31/3/2016, 18:49 Cult Of Luna - Cult Of Luna
ah ecco, i P.O.D. non li sento solo io ahah, mi rincuora la cosa
view post Posted: 25/3/2016, 19:20 Cult Of Luna - Cult Of Luna
non so voi ma io ho grossi problemi con la voce di julie christmas, forse è solo questione di abitudine ma la trovo fastidiosa, troppo "adolescenziale" (salvatemi il brutto termine).
view post Posted: 15/2/2016, 17:02 Throatruiner Records - HARD TO THE CORE ZONE
qualcuno sa dirmi in quanti giorni, più o meno, spediscono gli ordini?
view post Posted: 14/2/2016, 16:30 Cult Of Luna - Cult Of Luna
A lot of people are asking us about the change in the line up so here is the explanation.

Anders left the band unexpectedly during the recording of 'Vertikal'.
We were taken by surprise and although we had issues with the reasoning behind it, we respected his decision.
We are still on very good terms - and with what we have experienced together through the years, we will all be friends for life.
The only person we could think of to replace him for touring duties was our good friend and musical genius Kristian Karlsson from PG lost.

He has been with us for the last three years and during the writing and recording of 'Mariner' he became a full time member.

In 2014 Erik told us that he was forced to quit.
He gave us a good "heads up" so we knew that when we stepped off stage from the 'Beyond the Redshift' festival it was for the last time with him.
We didn’t want him to quit the band and he didn’t either. But the fact of the matter is that the day only holds twenty four hours and the week only holds seven days.
We are not a full time band but still Cult of Luna consumes a lot of time and effort that in his case was needed elsewhere.
His departure is still hard to accept. When we started the band we were just teenagers and I used to spend the weekends at his parents house when we practiced in his hometown of Skellefteå.
He has been a part of every single Cult of Luna record up till now, from the first demo until 'Vertikal II'. Although you’ll not see him live, he is still a part of the Cult of Luna universe.
As you probably already have guessed through the brilliant design of the 'Mariner' artwork, it’s Erik's contribution to the record.

Erik’s shoes can not be filled and his spot will not be replaced.
David Johansson, from the beast of a band Kongh, has been nice enough to be a hired gun/guitar for us since Erik's departure.

That was all.
Thank you for reading.

view post Posted: 21/12/2015, 17:46 Sunn 0))) - THE WALL OF SOUND
sono allucinato io o kannon 3 è una rilettura di cannon presente su domkirke?
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